
Power Of Your Subconscio​us Mind

As you probably already know, your mind is divided into two parts: The conscious and the subconscious mind. Obviously, these two parts of the brain operate quite different. The conscious mind makes choices, can accept or reject an idea and also has the ability to originate new ideas.

The subconscious mind does not have the ability to accept or reject, makes no choices and cannot distinguish the difference between reality and imagination. The subconscious mind can be compared to a tape-recorder. It simply plays the tapes recorded into it.

How do I know? I am a certified master clinical hypnotherapist as well as a licensed psychotherapist with over 20 years of professional experience. I use hypnosis as a tool to help people manage emotions, improve health, eliminate bad habits, sleep better, reduce chronic pain, relax, develop confidence, visualize goals, and overcome phobias, fears, stress, and anxiety.

A large part of my job is teaching people how to access their strengths and develop effective mental strategies, by using both the logical, conscious mind as well as the elusive, magical, subconscious. In this article, let me tell you how you can access and strengthen your connection with your subconscious to enhance the quality of your life.Definitions of the Subconscious Mind.

Day 1: 4 hours, 7 orders,Day 2: 6 hours, 4 orders,Day 3: 6 hours, 6 orders,Day 4: 6 hours, 7 orders,Day 5: 6 hours, 5 orders,Sum: 28 hours, 29 orders,I would say that s pretty close to 1 order per hour. Today, she worked for 5 hours, and I suppose you can guess how many orders she ended up with. If you answered 5, you were right! Let s explore this a little deeper. Day 1 was her first day on the phone, and she had seemingly no clue as to how many sales she could expect.

The interesting thing is this: She had been sitting with me the day before listening to my calls. I had been working on the phone 6 hours that day, with 11 orders, and accordingly that s what she based her results on the first day. Knowing that on her first day she worked on the phone for 4 hours with 7 orders, that s pretty similar to the result I got the day she was listening. The problem is that everyone else has an average of one order per hour, which she experienced during her first day on the phone.

So her second day on the phone, her sensory factors (hearing, in this case) had already picked up on that fact, and she started to adopt the belief everyone else around her seemed to be in love with; an average of 1 order per hour. Thus her result the second day was far from as good as her result the first day, and the result came close to 1 order per hour (10 hours, 11 orders). But the most interesting part is day 3, 4, 5 and 6, where the exact average is 1 order per hour.

If we were to look at the cause and effect behind this, let s explore day 4 and day 5 a little deeper. On the fourth day, she ended up with a little more than one order per hour (7), but the next day she ended up with a little less than one order per hour (5). This is what I call the autopilot effect . As I said, the subconscious mind is likened to a tape recorder, playing the tapes recorded into it. Still using sales as an example, her 7 orders on day 4 differs from her belief of an average of 1 order per hour.

The next day, her subconscious mind will automatically correct this, so that her average order per hour becomes relative to her belief. And believe me when I say I ve seen dozens of examples of this. To make this more clear:

 The autopilot effect is why lotto millionaires often lose or spend their money within 2-3 years after winning the lottery. They re simply not used to having this kind of money, and they lose it because their subconscious mind indirectly tells them something like this: Why do you have so much money? You never have this kind of money! You should get rid of it as soon as possible so your belief of having no money left at the end of the month becomes true again!

So what is the subconscious mind? The subconscious mind is a construct. We cannot see it, touch it, or measure it, because it is not a physical thing. It is an abstraction that describes functions of the human mind that are unlike the conscious, cognitive functions we can perform at will, like spelling, arithmetic, typing, reciting, recalling facts, using logic, and following instructions.

The subconscious seems comprised of somewhat mysterious mental operations that seem to operate beyond conscious control. Here are the functions of the subconscious mind.Stored Memory: A repository for long-forgotten memories that may be a source of inexplicable fears, preferences, and idiosyncrasies. Creativity and Intuition:

The ability to pull together seemingly unrelated bits of information and arrive at new conclusions and possibilities, which we've never before formulated.Intuition: The ability to sense cues and patterns of activity in the environment of which we are not consciously aware, and yet, which alert us to events that are about to happen,a near accident, for example.Mind/Body Monitoring and Healing: As the link between mind and body, the subconscious seems to exert an influence over personal sickness and health. The mind is the true healer, fueled by the power of belief.

The Dream Weaver: Hypnotherapists believe that the subconscious remains active during sleep, processing the events and emotions of the day via dreams, while the conscious mind rests.The Connection to Cosmic Consciousness: In sleep, meditation, quiet contemplation, or prayer, and sometimes in what some have described as a blinding flash of enlightenment and insight, the subconscious opens up a link, an interface, to universal knowledge and understanding.

The result might be a religious conversion, an epiphany, innovation and invention, a solution to a previously unsolvable problem, or a miraculous and spontaneous healing.The Inner Spirit and Higher Wisdom: There are those who say that the subconscious is very much a part of our spiritual nature,the essence of God, the kingdom of heaven, within ourselves.

Accessing the Subconscious.By accessing your subconscious, you might become more creative, intuitive, healthier, and insightful, with more control over thoughts, emotions, habits, and motivation. It doesn't happen overnight. This level of self-understanding, mental discipline and personal empowerment can take years to develop. Yet, there are ways to facilitate the process. Begin with the intention to increase your awareness of your subconscious and establish a communication with it, and cultivate a desire to learn what it can teach you.

I dare to claim that if you do this exercise each day for 30 days, you WILL have money left in your account at the end of the month.You can make this even more powerful by doing some exercises around the power of gratitude.

You would also want to remove any limiting beliefs about money in order to tap into the full power of the subconscious mind.The subconscious mind is the part of us that operates below our conscious awareness. So, when our conscious minds are preoccupied with our daily tasks, we are operating on our subconscious programmes. For this reason, behaviour tends to be at an unconscious level.

For example, when you first learn to drive a car, you are consciously aware of everything you are doing. But when you have trained your subconscious mind to drive, you will drive a car automatically - you may not even be aware that you look in your mirror before changing lanes, or that you put your indicator on when turning, or that you change gears, or that you put the clutch down when you change the gears.

Eliminate fear-based, negative self-talk. Your subconscious listens to every thought you think and carries those messages to your body, and out to the universe. Monitor your thoughts and start thinking positively about the things that really matter in your life.Develop a capacity for curiosity and creativity; states in which the subconscious is most likely to be attentive and responsive. These states allow you to open your awareness and engage in possibility thinking.There are several "tools" that will help you communicate with the subconscious.

They include journaling, mind-mapping, treasure-mapping, affirmations, focused thinking, and prayer.Journaling: Keep a diary to capture feelings, dreams, goals, impressions, and insights. In this way, you become more aware of your patterns of thinking and feeling.Mind-mapping: Choose a project you want to carry out and then create a pen-and-paper diagram of your thoughts. The diagram starts from a central point on the page and then branches out in all directions, as new ideas occur.

Describe each idea with a few key words. The branches will develop "twigs" as you think of the details that accompany each major idea. Mind-mapping allows for creative, non-linear thinking that lends itself to planning and problem solving.Treasure-mapping: Assemble a collage of pictures of the things you want in life, so that the images are more easily communicated to the subconscious. The pictures can come from photos, sketches, and clippings from newspapers and magazines. Look at your treasure map often, for reinforcement.

Our habitual thoughts determine what we are focused upon, and our focus points determine our emotional state. When we focus on something that we want or like, then we feel good. Whereas, when we focus on something that we do not want or like, then we feel bad - it is as simple as that. Essentially, our habitual thoughts determine our vibrational frequency.Like ripples in a pond when a stone is dropped in it, our thoughts are ripples in our lives.

The thoughts that we think now determine our future thoughts - a thought will lead to more thoughts of a similar nature. Since our thought process determines our emotional aura, our vibration, our habitual thoughts are shaping our future. In other words, that which we focus on ultimately becomes our reality. The key to happiness and fulfilment is to become aware of our habitual thoughts, which we, as a species, are gradually learning to do.

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1 comment:

  1. Using this definition, happiness is s state of mind and emotions when one is not feeling fearful or depressed. A happy person is not bored, annoyed, guilty, ashamed, discontent or sad. ilchi lee best selling author
