Ideas For Grabbing An Office Thief

Ideas For Grabbing An Office Thief
Ideas For Grabbing An Office Thief

My heart sank the minute I returned to my very own desk. The gift I acquired from Ashley for my very own 26th birthday, a black iPhone 5, was no where to be found.

Coming into Jay's office space to borrow his pen when my own ran dry could not have taken even 30 seconds, but this was enough time for any individual to grab the smartphone from my table. Nevertheless,

I knew exactly what to do in order to get the culprit: lure him into striking again, however not before obtaining some fun spy stuff so I could play Agent 007.

I got hidden cams, which are small cameras hiding inside everyday things like wall clocks or mirrors so no one can tell they are getting videoed.

My own air freshener hidden camera is a monitoring camera slipped into a fake air freshener. I put that right beside my own table. The wire free camera means no tangled cables to think about, plus it is easy to install and transfer to another location, when necessary.

I put a clothes hook hidden color video camera DVR up on the wall of my cubicle. I hang my own coat on this. This boasts motion-activated video recording so I can skip many hours of empty video recording in hunting for any kind of recorded action.

I've got a color flower pot video camera with SD DVR resting on my desk. Since it has its own built-in DVR, there is no need at all to install an external recording device. Replay is as simple as plugging the SD card into a PC.

I then put some cash over my desk before leaving my own cubicle for a few minutes. It took the opportunistic thief only a few seconds to grab the bait. The second he was confronted with the video proof, I got my own iPhone 5 as well as money back, and he was fired.

Monitoring equipment is for recording video evidence, but likewise for entertainment and games. Personally, it was a bit of both. I surely appreciated playing detective using my very own fun spy gear that moment.

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